Mercoledì 19 settembre ore 20:30
Paolo Gàiba Riva - clarinet
Matias Guerra - el. guitar
Kazehito Seki - amplified voice
Luglio e agosto son passati, e alcuni scrivono " ricomincia la stagione di eventi...", io vi dico solo che son contento di poter ospitare PGR e Kazehito, che inizia qui in studio un tour che lo vedrà in Italia e in Europa per il prossimo mese e oltre. PGR è in partenza per suonare in Filippine, Malesia, Corea, Canada... e per qualche favorevole congiunzione astrale ci si incontrerà tutti qui in Italia, dove le stelle creano slavine ma talvolta impetuosi moti salvifici nel settembre nero.
Clarinet player, improviser and noise artist as "PGR".
Grown up musically in Norway, after graduating at Milan’s jazz music academy in bass guitar.
“I find out necessary to dig deeply into the rawer, more sincere and without compromise part of what people call “(non)music”. Researching the clash, the dynamic and the static state of the sounds which please me.”
Each performance is a deep sonic experience for the listener. It can be annoying or pleasant according to how the listener accepts it. Is not meant to be beautiful, but for sure honest.
Kazehito Seki
is an amplified voice artist, noise musician, voice trainer, etc.
Voiz set is played just with 1 or 2 microphone/s with NO electronic FX. Working on the sound produced from the vocal organ in broader and more concrete sense, relativises the existing interpretation of the “voice” (such as singing, talking, etc). The wide spectrum flickers in subtle ambience, intense silence and brutal harsh noise in a microsecond.
Self Toxication is another project that abstracts the “voice” forming into the sound deeper. The toxin over amplified in stereo channels feedbacking between soundsystem and the physicality (as the hardcore), cuts up himself messing up at the top speed of harsh noise.
Since 2006, Kazehito has been blasting his voice in numerous projects, bands with following keywords >>> cutups, drone, experimental, grind, noiserock, sadcore, sludge, “Voiz” choir, and collaborations with >>> butoh, installations, videofeedbacks, etc. Some of his past stages are listed as below: allEars (2018 / Oslo), Ende Tymes (2017 / NYC), MultiDOM (2016-17 / Over Europe), ART MEETING (2016, 14 / Fukushima), FRIV Festival (2016 / Poznań), MultiMadeira (2015 / Madeira), (LUFF2016, 15 / Lausanne), etc.
Self Toxication
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